Wednesday 6 April 2016

Winnning The Network Marketer of the Year Award...

It has been a whirlwind few weeks for me since winning the award for NETWORK MARKETER OF THE YEAR, but I finally have chance to put my thoughts into words...

Rewind a few years....At school I was the girl that went bright red if I had to speak in front of the class. I would do anything I could to blend into the background. In my teens, I was the girl that wouldn't even take an item back in a shop because I was too shy, I would rather ask my Mum to phone to book an appointment for me because I hated speaking to new people. In my first job out of university when I got told I had to do a presentation to 6 people, I wanted to hand in my notice. When I started this business, I was the girl that would NEVER be able to speak on stage, I looked up to all these confident, inspirational speakers and thought that could never be me. I didn't want to get out of my comfort zone, I was happy hiding behind my computer screen. That is why an online business using social media was a natural fit for me....I could network online, and build a business while doing that.

But, guess what.....this amazing thing happened. My confidence grew, little by little. I learned that I was good at building relationships, I could speak about our products because I was using them, and I could talk about the business from the heart, because I was living it.

'Everything you've ever wanted, is one step outside of your comfort zone'

Before I knew it, and with a nudge in the right direction from some exceptional mentors that I have, I was able to get up on stage and share my knowledge on our business, to talk about the experience I was having....every time this happened, I would be a bag of nerves, voice shaking, and sweaty palms. But you know what, it doesn't matter. In life there will be people that are amazing at speaking on stage, and then there will be the people like me, where it takes everything they have to get up there. Now, I am that girl on stage, and I am that girl that will talk about our business to a friendly face anywhere I go...

So, if you are reading this, and you think you will NEVER be able to talk confidently in front of new people, or you stumble over your words, your shy, you won't be good at networking and you think these things will hold you back. Trust me when I don't have to be perfect, you just have to be willing to step out that comfort zone. Little by little you will grow as a person, and as you do, you business will grow....and that is where the magic happens.

Thank you to everyone that voted for me to win this special award, I am so grateful. It marks a special time in my life where I now know, I am the girl that can do ANYTHING...

Love Emma xxx

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