Sunday 28 February 2016

Being a mummy, I truly know the value of time....

My whole reason for starting a business that gave me more time, was for a future family....

Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is like saying 'I don't want to' - Loo Tzu

Rewind a few years, I had a successful business but spent so much time on the road, working evenings and weekends. Even when I then got in the door, I would spend more time answering client emails, booking appointments and placing orders. I knew this way of working didn't work around a baby and family. But, I also did not want to go back into employment, working for someone else. Yes, I would of got maternity leave, but I would of had to go back to work at some point, relying on childcare and wishing for the weekends and 5 weeks holiday a year. Its just not the life I wanted.

I earned good money with my business, but I was trading my time. So when I went on holiday I wouldn't earn and then would be playing catch up when I got home. I would also of had to go back to work 2 weeks after having our baby boy as being self-employed I couldn't of afforded anymore time off, with no maternity pay.

If I hadn't taken a risk to make a change, one of those scenarios would of been my future. Has it been hard work? YES. Have I wanted to give up at times? YES. Did I ever feel like it wasn't going to work for me? YES. But, the numbers don't lie - if you work at something consistently for a period of time, you don't have to HOPE that it is going to work for you, you can be safe in knowing that it WILL work for you.

I have just got home from a week long trip to Tenerife building business and because of this opportunity I was able to take my partner and our little boy. Jenson is now 6 months old, and his flight home was his twelfth flight since he was born!  These business related trips have included America, Denmark, Scotland and obviously Tenerife.  In 2 weeks time it is taking us to Miami & New York and then in April we go back to America again followed by Cancun and also to Marbella for a European convention.  I could never have envisaged travelling so much let alone getting paid for it but this is where this business can take you. I love that it doesn't matter where I am in the world, that I can have my baby with me and still make money as long as I have wifi. Whether it is at home on the sofa because we are tired, whether it's on a day out because we are going on an adventure, or whether we are in a totally different country altogether.

Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport - Unknown
Jenson on flight number 12

I would love EVERY woman I come into contact with to take a look at this opportunity, because being a Mummy I truly know the value of time, Time goes fast, way too fast, spend it doing what you love, with who you love. For me having the knowledge that I will never miss any part of him growing up and seeing all his 'firsts' is more valuable than anything that money can buy.

Love Emma xxx

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